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沈振国 收藏


近年发表的代表性论文 1. Zhang HX, Xia Y, Wang GP, Shen ZG*. 2007. Excess copper induces accumul...   详细>>

研究主题:镉    铜    重金属    植物    植物修复    

研究学科:环境科学与工程类    生物科学类    轻工类    自动化类    电气类    


近年发表的代表性论文 1. Zhang HX, Xia Y, Wang GP, Shen ZG*. 2007. Excess copper induces accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and increases lipid peroxidation and total activity of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase in roots of Elsholtzia haichowensis. Planta (accepted) 2. Xia Y, Shen ZG*. 2007. Comparative studies of copper tolerance and uptake by three plant species of the genus Elsholtzia. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 79 (1), 53-57. July 3. Luo CL, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2007. Plant uptake and the leaching of metals during the hot EDDS-enhanced phytoextraction process. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 9 (3), 181-196. 4. Ma BH, Wang JM, Shen ZG*. 2007. H2O2 production and antioxidant responses in seeds and early seedlings of two different rice varieties exposed to aluminum. Plant Growth Regulation, 52 (1), 91-100. May 5. Wei L, Luo CL, Wang CC, Li XD, Shen ZG*. 2007. Biodegradable chelating agent ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid reduces uptake of copper through alleviation of copper toxicity in hydroponically grown Chrysanthemum coronarium L. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 26 (4), 749-754. April 6. Liu CP, Shen ZG*, Li XD. 2007. Accumulation and detoxification of cadmium in Brassica pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr. and Brassica chinensis L. Biologia Plantarum, 51 (1), 116-120. 7. Luo CL, Shen ZG*, Li XD, Baker AJM. 2006. The roles of root damage in the chelate-enhanced accumulation of lead accumulation by Indian mustard plants. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 8 (4), 323-337. December 8. Luo CL, Shen ZG, Lou LQ, Li XD. 2006. EDDS and EDTA-enhanced phytoextraction of metals from artifi...

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