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王开福 收藏


以第一作者身份在Applied Optics, Optics Communications, Journal of Modern Optics和《光学学报》等期刊发表学术...   详细>>

研究主题:图像处理    数字散斑    相移    散斑干涉    电子散斑干涉    

研究学科:电子信息类    自动化类    机械类    建筑类    


以第一作者身份在Applied Optics, Optics Communications, Journal of Modern Optics和《光学学报》等期刊发表学术论文40多篇,其中近20篇被SCI收录。主要代表作: [1] K.F. Wang et al, "Volume-grating electronic speckle pattern interferometry used for measurement of out-of-plane displacement field", Optics and Laser Technology, 36, 117-120 (2004). [2] K.F. Wang et al, "Influence of in-plane displacement on slope fringe formation in electronic speckle shearing interferometry", Optics Communications, 224, 45-49 (2003). [3] K.F. Wang et al, "Comprehensive influence of in-plane displacement, double-aperture orientation and wedge-shearing direction on slope fringe formation in speckle shearing interferometry", Journal of Modern Optics, 50, 1365-1372 (2003). [4] K.F. Wang et al, "Influence of displacement and its first- and second-order derivative components on curvature fringe formations in speckle shearography", Applied Optics, 41, 2577-83 (2002). [5] K.F. Wang et al, "Simultaneous measurement of pure curvature and twist fringe distribution fields by a five-aperture shearing and two-Fourier filtering technique", Applied Optics, 39, 2577-2583 (2000).

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