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朱军 收藏


发表SCI 的论文(按时间): 1. Chang, C. H., J. Zhu, and S.C. Winans. 1996. Pleiotropic phenotype...   详细>>

研究主题:自体诱导物    根瘤菌    中慢生型天山根瘤菌    霍乱弧菌    SINORHIZOBIUM    

研究学科:生物科学类    轻工类    


发表SCI 的论文(按时间): 1. Chang, C. H., J. Zhu, and S.C. Winans. 1996. Pleiotropic phenotypes caused by genetic ablation of the receiver module of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirA protein. J Bacteriol. 178:4710-4716. 2. Zhu, J. and S. C. Winans. 1998. Activity of the quorum-sensing regulator TraR of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is inhibited by a truncated, dominant defectiv...

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