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吴智铭 收藏


1954.9-1959.7 Undergraduate in Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Jiao-tong University ...   详细>>

研究主题:柔性制造系统    遗传算法    FMS    PETRI网    离散事件系统    

研究学科:自动化类    机械类    经济学类    电子信息类    电气类    


1954.9-1959.7 Undergraduate in Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Jiao-tong University 1958.12-1978.12 Instructor in Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU for short in the follows) 1979.1--1965.5 Lecturer in Dept. of E.E. and then in Dept. of Automatic Control, SJTU 1985.6---- Professor in Dept. of Automation, SJTU主讲课程: 1. Computer integrated manufacturing system 2. Discrete event system 3. Control engineering主要研究领域: 1. Dynamic semantics and their uses in control software specification. 2. Soft-computing for engineering system planning and scheduling. 3. Design and synthesis of engineering system keeping expected performances and verified properties.

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