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王悦 收藏


1. “Supramolecular Structures and Assembly and Luminescent Properties of Quinacridone...   详细>>

研究主题:有机电致发光器件    电致发光器件    有机电致发光    发光材料    电致发光    

研究学科:电子信息类    电气类    自动化类    生物科学类    经济学类    


1. “Supramolecular Structures and Assembly and Luminescent Properties of Quinacridone Derivatives”, K. Q. Ye, J. Wang, H. Sun, Y. Liu, Z, C. Mu, F. Li, S. M. Jiang, J. Y. Zhang , H. X. Zhang, Y. Wang, C.M. Che J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005 , in press. 2. “Two-Dimensional Supramolecular Assemblies of Quinacridone Derivatives: From Achiral to Chiral Racemates and Domains” Z. C. Mu, Z. Q. Wang, X. Zhang, K. Q. Ye, Y. Wang J. Phys. Chem. B, 2004 , 108, 19955. 3. “Tetradentate Schiff Base Platinum(II) Complexes as New Class of Phosphorescent Materials for High-Efficiency and White-Light Electroluminescnet Devices” C. M. Che, S. C. Chan, H. F. Xiang, M. C. W. Chan, Y. Liu, Y. Wang Chem. Commun., 2004 , 1484. 4. “Improved Structural Order, Stability, and Anion-exchange Capacity of Cation-Mediated Bridged Hybrid Mesoscopic Materials by Using Chelating Ligands” X. Xu, Y. Han, D. Li, H. Ding, Y. Wang, F. Xiao Chem. Mater. , 2004 , 16, 3507. 5. “Two- and Three-Dimensinal Molecular Organization of Schiff-Base Dervatives” Z. C. Mu, J. F. Kong, Y. Wang, L. Ye, G. D. Yang, X. Zhang, Chem. Phys. Chem. , 2004, 5, 202. 6. “In Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopic Investigation of the Two-Dimensional Ordering of Different Alkyl Chain-Substituted Quinacridone Derivatives at Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite/Solution Interface” D. Qiu, K. Ye, Y. Wang, B. Zou, X. Zhang, S. Lei, L. Wan Langmuir , 2003, 19, 678. 7. “ Red electroluminescent devices based on a porphyrin metal complex” J. Guo, K.Ye, Y. Wu, Y. Liu, Y. Wang Synthetic Metals , 2003 , 137, 1075 8. “[ meso -T...

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