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袁子厚 收藏


1. 袁子厚.“水电站中明管可靠度校准分析”,重庆建筑大学学报,ISSN 1006-7329/ CN 50-1052/TU ,EI检索号073110727238,2007...   详细>>

研究主题:体型系数    圆形烟囱    可靠度    对数正态分布    明管    

研究学科:建筑类    水利类    经济学类    轻工类    航空航天类    


1. 袁子厚.“水电站中明管可靠度校准分析”,重庆建筑大学学报,ISSN 1006-7329/ CN 50-1052/TU ,EI检索号073110727238,2007.62. 袁子厚.“长扁圆形烟囱应力分析”[J]. 空间结构,ISSN 1006-6578/ CN 33-1205/TV,2009.43. 袁子厚,陈明祥,范振中等.“长扁圆形烟囱体型系数研究”[J]. 湘潭大学学报.自然科学版,ISSN 1000-5900/ CN 43-1066/N.2008.30(4).pp.65-694. 袁子厚,陈明祥. “长扁圆形烟囱风致振动风洞模拟试验研究”[J]. 华中科技大学学报(城市科学版).2008.25(3).pp.46-495. 袁子厚,陈明祥.“电厂长扁圆形烟囱体型系数实验研究”[J]. 四川建筑科学,ISSN 1008-1933/ CN 51-1142/TV,2009.56.袁子厚.“澄碧河水电站工作闸门空间有限元分析”,《水利水电技术》,ISSN 1000-0860/ CN 11-1757/TV,2007.10 7. 袁子厚.水电站中明管按分项系数设计时系数取值建议.水力发电,ISSN 0559-9342/ CN 11-1845/TV. 2008.88.Yuan Zi-hou.“ Robustness of Workpiece Process Order”,International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, OCT 12-15, 2006 DCABES 2006 PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1AND 2 : 1318-1321, 2006 9.Zihou Yuan, Guiying Wu.“Statistical Parameter of Extreme Value Distribution Using Moment Generating Functions”,The Seventh International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2008)10.Zihou Yuan, Guiying Wu.“To Analyse Usability of Betimes Servicing System by Random Process”, The Seventh International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2008)11. Yuan Zi-hou.“Estimate in Investment using MATLAB Simulation”, 2008 International Institute of Applied Statistics Studies 12. Yuan Zi-hou.“To Analyze Error of JC Method”,Th...

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