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Analgesic Effect of Warming Needles in Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis



作  者:崔林华[1] 郭瑞霞[2] 耿文[3]

机构地区:[1]河北省人民医院,石家庄050051 [2]石家庄市妇幼保健院 [3]河北省第五人民医院

出  处:《针刺研究》

年  份:2001

卷  号:26

期  号:3


语  种:中文


摘  要:Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic and frequently occurring general autoimmune disease characterized chiefly by joint synovitis. Up to now, its pathogenesis remains unclear. According to its symptoms as pain, swelling and malformation of joints of extremities, it belongs to the category of "Bi syndrome". In the present paper, the effect of acupuncture with the needles warmed with ignited moxa (warming needles in short) was observed and compared with that of Western medicine Votalin Ointment. Close attention was paid to its local analgesic effect in treating RA. 62 cases of adult active RA including 23 males and 39 females were randomly and evenly divided into treatment group and control group. All the patients met the RA Revised Classification Standard (1987) and Active RA Standard of American Rheumatoid Disease Association. In treatment group, 31 patients were treated with warming needles and acupoints used were Quchi (LI 11), Waiguan (SJ 5), Hegu (LI 4), Baxie (EX UE 9), Yanglingquan (GB 34), Zusanli (ST 36), Kunlun (BL 60), Bafeng (EX LE 10), etc. The treatment was given once daily, with two or three points used every time, and with the needles warmed for 20 to 30 minutes. In control group, Votalin Ointment was applied to the local affected part, twice daily. 30 days’ treatment was considered as a theraputic course. An interval of 5 or 7 days was given before the next treatment started. After treatment, the results showed a satisfactory result in both groups. Regarding to the pain and swelling degrees, Ridit Test showed a significant difference between pre and post treatment (P<0.05). Tenderness index of joints and the numbers of joint pain had remarkable improvement, symptoms such as morning stiffness, etc were obviously improved, but there was little difference between the two groups (P> 0.05). Warming needle therapy is effective in improving clinical symptoms especially in relieving pain, which is similar to that of Votalin Ointment. It is worth to be mentioned that the warming needle treatment has no

关 键 词:类风湿关节炎 温针  针刺疗法 镇痛 针灸疗法

分 类 号:R259.932.2[中西医结合类] R245.315]













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