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Information about Tourists and the Ecological Promotion in the Development of Lakeshore Tourist Resorts ——A Case Study of Lake Fuxianhu, Yunnan, China



作  者:段昌群[1] 杨雪梅[2] 王焕校[1] 胡志浩[3]

机构地区:[1]云南大学生命科学与化学学院环境科学系,云南昆明650091 [2]云南财贸学院工商管理系,云南昆明650232 [3]云南大学生命科学与化学学院生物学系,云南昆明650091

出  处:《思想战线》

年  份:2000

卷  号:26

期  号:1


语  种:中文


摘  要:valid survey tables from 700 inquired tourists were harvested in the newly-opened scenic spot of Lake Fuxianhu in the middle of Yunnan Province of China, and the feature of ages, profession, cultural structure, the tourist distribution in the scenic spot around year, the preference and interests, expenditure, the attitude of facilities allocation, satisfaction level in tourism service were analyzed. Following are some conclusion to be drawn from this study: tourist in Lake Fuxianhu mainly swarmed in the season of summer and spring so that in this rush season there was not much tourism facilities and services available for tourists and no due expenses from them; less tourism items and activities than needed in the scenic area were given to the tourists so that the staying time was short and the income of tourism was low; the water quality was vital to the tourism development in the lake. From the view of the macroscopic ecological economics, some countermeasures were put forward about the rational development and protection in the lake: a lot of new tourism spots located around the hills or some other areas near the waters in replacement of that around the lake should be constructed and new tourism items should be conducted so as to prolong the staying time of the tourists, raise local income and alleviate the load of water environment; the distinctiveness in Lake Fuxianhu should be built up in the process of the exploitation of tourism in coordination with the natural environmental landscape and humane feature; it is of great importance to protect and build up the vision corridor around the lake; the development of phosphors resource in the watershed of the lake and protection of the lake should be harmonized.

关 键 词:游客信息  景观建设 旅游经济 云南  可持续发展

分 类 号:F592.774[旅游管理类] X24]













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